Anyway, let’s get into this thing shall we? We’re going first person all the way. Normally this section is written in third person so it sounds like someone else is telling you how cool I am, but I’d rather tell you myself. So here goes.
Usually there’s a pretty professional picture of myself here, but honestly, I don’t have any that I would care to share. Plus I tend to stay away from cameras for the most part. But, in keeping with the tone of the site, I do have this sweet Ragtag Adventure inspired character art of myself that is pretty close to how I look in real life.
Yes, I do have a hoodie like that and yes I rock it whenever I go out. Book in one hand, feather pen in in the other. Gotta keep it classy, you know? Old school and all that.
I was born and raised in Hudson Valley, NY and lived their for most of my life. A few years ago though, my family and I decided to pack things up and move way upstate, like right on the Canadian border pretty much. It’s not as exciting up here, but it’s way cheaper to live, and that was the whole point.
As for things I like to do to pass the time, other than writing awesome fantasy novels, I am a big fan of metal music. The more guttural the screams the better. I also like to play guitar, something I haven’t done much of lately though. I’ve also been in a bunch of bands, recorded a couple albums, played a bunch of shows, and even had my own recording studio for a while where I would record and produce other bands.
Video games are another big thing I’m into although like the guitar, I don’t get to play much these days. New stuff, retro stuff, I like and collect it all. My favorite types of games are definitely RPG’s, with action and horror games following at a close second and third.
Toys. Let’s talk about toys. I love toys. I’m still a giant kid at heart and as such, I tend to have a large collection of toys stashed everywhere around the house. The main toy line I collect is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That’s my jam. Transformers, Godzilla, Ultraman, Mars Attacks, Power Rangers are a few other lines I’m really into. Unfortunately, I had to sell a bunch of stuff when we moved, but I still have a nice set up with some sweet lighted glass cases right in the center of our living room.
That’s pretty much all there is to know. I’m kinda boring outside of my hobbies. So, yeah… I think I’ll end it here. Below are a few pictures of my toy and video game collections from the old house, some nice shots of my playing shows, and a picture of my new house toy set up.